Hobart Networking Breakfast - August

Networking Event

The AIHS Tasmania Branch invites you to join us on the First Friday of every month.

This event will provide an excellent networking opportunity to join in and catch up with other local health & safety professionals over breakfast and or a drink.




Date: Friday 2nd August 2024
Venue: Café Moto Vecchia, 35 Gordons Hill Road, Bellerive 7018
Time: 7:30 AM - 8:30AM
Cost: Purchase your own on the day

Other event dates for the year

2nd August
6th September
4th October
1st November
6th December

2/08/2024 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Tasmania Standard Time
Cafe Moto Vecchia 35 Gordons Hill Road Bellerive Hobart, TAS 7018 AUSTRALIA
Sign in or create an account to register
Registration ends 2/08/2024 10:00 AM TST