The national association for workplace health and safety in Australia

Providing a collective voice for the profession

Our Vision

To have safe and healthy people in productive workplaces and communities.

Our Purpose

To shape workplace health and safety.

Core Values


  • Integrity: We are ethical, and act with honesty and accountability
  • Legacy: We honour the contributions that have built what is here today
  • Diversity: We respect each other's diverse perspectives
  • Leadership: We drive positive change within industries, organisations and our community
  • Humanity: We are passionate about health and safety because we care about people and community
  • Innovation: We think forward and encourage new ways of improving health and safety.

Our People

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Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to advancing workplace health and safety. We value diversity, leadership, and innovation as we work together to shape a safer future for all Australians.

Our Policy

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The health and safety profession has a unique voice, and the AIHS seeks to express that voice in a positive way as a contribution to the development of Workplace Health and Safety Policy and Practice in Australia. 

History and Honour Roll

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We take pride in our rich history and the contributions of our members. Explore our Honour Roll to discover the outstanding individuals who have played a pivotal role in the evolution of workplace health and safety.

College of Fellows

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The College of Fellows was established in 2002 and comprises those members who are Fellows and Honorary Fellows of the Institute. The College works to support the Institute’s vision, values and strategy.


Acknowledging our Legacy

At AIHS, we proudly honour the enduring contributions of generations of health and safety professionals who have shaped our organisation. We not only recognise the generations of health and safety members of the Institute but also acknowledge that we now operate throughout Australia, across a wide range of traditional Aboriginal lands in each state and territory. In doing so, we extend our sincere recognition to our indigenous members and humbly pay our respects to the wisdom of elders, both past and present, who guide us in our mission to promote workplace health and safety for all Australians.