QLD: new code of practice for amusement rides

Queensland’s Office of Industrial Relations recently launched Australia’s first code of practice for amusement device safety.

The Amusement Devices Code of Practice 2023, which took effect on 1 February 2024, complements existing safety laws for amusement devices and outlines practical ways to manage health and safety risks.

The applies to amusement devices at major amusement parks, school fetes and regional shows, and covers rides such as ferris wheels, rollercoasters, dodgem cars and jumping castles.

The code covers the lifecycle of an amusement device and details information related to buying a device, installation, operation, training for ride operators, inspections and maintenance, and decommissioning.

The code has been developed through extensive consultation with the amusement device industry, with members of the stakeholder reference group supporting its introduction.

The code addresses the remaining regulatory framework recommendations from the Dreamworld coronial inquest.

Ride owners and operators who don’t comply with their duties under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, including under the new code, may face penalties.

“Queenslanders have a culture of enjoying amusement devices, and its within everyone’s interest to ensure the industry is rigorously tested and supported with the best information available,” said chief safety engineer, Office of Industrial Relations, Aaron Holman:

“We’re pleased to deliver this code, which makes safety management simpler for ride operators,” he said.

“It spells out practical steps for ride owners to ensure safety compliance whether the ride is for a local school fete, major amusement park, or a regional show.”