Vale Gill Ross

The AIHS acknowledges with great sadness the passing of Gill Ross. Gill was a Fellow and Life Member of the Australian Institute of Health & Safety.

He was part of the seventh intake of students for the Graduate Diploma of Hazard Management at Ballarat University in 1985.

His journey with the SIA commenced in May 1986 when he became a member of the Institute. He was actively involved in the SIA and became president of South Australian Branch of the SIA, before becoming Federal (National) president from 1994 to 1996.

Gill was passionate about all forms of safety including OHS and road safety, and spent many years serving the SA Branch and the national committees of management.

Gill also served as the safety officer for Shell Australian until he retired, when he became a safety consultant with his good friend and fellow SIA member Ken Kelman.

Gill was very well respected as a gentleman who had the ability to calmly convey his point of view. He is survived by his wife Ann, who was a great support to Gill in both work and life.

Vale Gill Ross.