BoK Audio Chapter 18: Biological Hazards

Australian Institute of Health and Safety (AIHS) has made significant advancements in providing accessible resources for OHS professionals. As part of our commitment to enhancing knowledge sharing, we are pleased to introduce the BOK Audio Chapters. Developed as a response to the need for a comprehensive understanding of work-related safety and health, the OHS Body of Knowledge for Generalist OHS Professionals (OHS BoK) is now available in an audio format, allowing you to conveniently access the chapters anywhere, anytime. With the AIHS taking ownership of the publication, the BOK Audio Chapters undergo continuous maintenance and development, ensuring they reflect the latest OHS research and practices. Join us in fostering a culture of safety and well-being in the workplace by accessing the BOK Audio Chapters and empowering yourself with essential knowledge.

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Chapter 18: Biological Hazards

Biological hazards present the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) professional with complex challenges. Many and varied biological hazards may result from workplace exposure to organisms, or substances produced by organisms, that threaten human health. Although workers in health and community care, and agricultural and fishing occupations are at particular risk of exposure to hazardous biological agents, all workplaces harbour the potential for various forms of biological hazard exposure, particularly via person-to-person transmission of infectious disease. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a heightened perspective to the management of biological hazards and the role of the OHS professional. This chapter outlines the knowledge required by the OHS professional to understand the nature of biological hazards and the principles of control. Armed with this knowledge, the generalist OHS professional can then facilitate a team approach to the identification, assessment and control and mitigation of biological hazards.

Keywords: biological hazard, biohazard, infection, vector, virulence, infectivity

First year of publication: 2012
Current Version : 2021

The written chapter can be viewed and downloaded at is external)

Chapter 18: Biological hazards. (n.d.). The OHS Body of Knowledge.

Course Details

Cost: AIHS Members $27.50 | Non Members $49.50
Format: Audio Chapter
CPD Points: 1




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