Essence of Ethics

This fully online course “The Essence of Ethics” objective is to develop the basic personal ethical capability of AIHS members and certified OHS professionals and practitioners where ethical capability is defined as:

…the ability to identify and respond effectively to ethical issues by making, implementing and managing ethical decisions particularly when influenced, pressured or forced to do otherwise – either as an organisation or as an individual. (OHS BoK 38.3 Ethics and Professional, p. 44) 

The Essence of Ethics course is delivered in two modules: (i) Introduction to Ethics and (ii) Ethics in Practice.

Each module will take approximately one hour to complete. Performance in completing the modules is not assessed and all certified members will be awarded 2 continuing professional development points upon its completion.

Course Details

Duration: 2 hours (approximately)
Cost: AIHS Member Free of Charge| Non Member $209 (inc GST)
Format: Online Learning
CPD Points: 2 points



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