AIHS Mentoring Program 

Our Mentoring Program aims to facilitate knowledge sharing and personal growth amongst safety professionals. 

Join as a Member

Join our 6-month cohorts with other mentors and mentees. If not a member, explore the benefits of the AIHS Membership.

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Mentoring Webinar

Cohort 8 is starting soon in September! View the most recent Mentoring Webinar to understand what's in it for you.

View Recording

Register to Cohort 8

If you are a member, you can register to join our upcoming cohort by signing up now. Join us for Cohort 8 to Grow Together today.

Register Now

Our Values and Guiding Principles


  • Diversity & Inclusion: We proactively seek and celebrate all forms of diversity through our program in recognition of the opportunity it affords our own development
  • Openness & Discretion: Participants share openly in a safe environment that is free from judgement and honours individual privacy and confidential concerns
  • Integrity & Respect: Members of the committee and participants in the program act with integrity and show respect for others
  • Listening & Learning: We seek feedback from participants and stakeholders and look to learn from best practice programs to ensure mentoring through the AIHS continues to improve
  • Goal-oriented: Only by defining our goals and committing to them can we realise our potential and achieve desired outcomes

Participate in mentoring relationships with the help of our specialised online platform, Mentorloop, for goal-setting, idea exchange, and progress discussions. Attend our upcoming Webinar to learn more about the Mentoring program and how you can participate in Cohort 8.

Mentorship Journey

Transformative Stories of growth and support from AIHS program participants

"Achieving key stakeholder buy-in for a safety strategy I’d developed to address a specific and widespread problem was a real challenge. Whilst I had no issues with my enthusiasm and innovative approach, it was a little daunting given the complexity of the project parameters and the failed attempts to solve the issue in previous years. The confidence and leadership abilities I was able to develop through the AIHS Mentor Program has been pivotal in shaping the successful approach to achieving key project deliverables, one of which included the use of wearable technology to capture task related data and design safer systems of work. My mentor was able to share their expertise to develop my skills in the area of human factors and ergonomics, and I received consistent coaching and encouragement to overcome obstacles and continue to drive positive changes to organisational safety performance. I have really enjoyed the AIHS Mentor Program experience and highly recommend it for any safety professional."

Lucy Trembearth, Cohort 6 AIHS Mentee
"AIHS Mentoring program improved my goal-setting skills, broadened my network in the field and exposed me to different perspectives."

Margarita Surikova, Cohort 6 AIHS Mentee
"The mentoring program provided a supportive environment to share my safety knowledge and expertise, instil awareness, enhance skills, and guide OHS professionals to advance personally and professionally."

—Dr Angelica Vecchio-Sadus | FAIHS | ChOHSP | HSE Professional, Safety Mentor, Independent Chair, Standards Australia

Mentoring FAQs

Is the mentoring program open to non-members?

In line with the current AIHS policy, the program is an exclusive benefit to AIHS members only.

Is there a cost involved with participating?

The program continues to be free for AIHS members!

What is a cohort?

The program will be run on cohorts of approximately 6 months duration and is supported by an electronic mentoring platform called Mentorloop. The cohorts will run one after the other, not concurrently.

Can I mentor more than one person?

Absolutely! Please indicate this availability in your Mentorloop profile.

What is Mentorloop?

Mentorloop is a mentoring software platform designed to facilitate and enhance mentoring programs. It helps organisations match mentors with mentees, manage the mentoring relationships, and track the progress and outcomes of the program. Mentorloop offers various features, such as:
  • Profile Matching: Helps in matching mentors and mentees based on their interests, goals, and areas of expertise.
  • Communication Tools: Provides a platform for mentors and mentees to communicate, schedule meetings, and share resources.
  • Progress Tracking: Allows users to document their mentoring relationship, set goals, and track progress over time.
  • Resources and Support: Offers tools and resources to support mentors and mentees throughout their journey.

Mentorloop aims to make mentoring more accessible, efficient, and effective by leveraging technology to support meaningful connections and development.

How many places are available?

For Cohort 8, there will be a cap at 100 pairs or loops.

How much time does it take to complete the registration?

The process is simple and should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Ensure you have included as much information as you can as this informs the algorithm for the program matches.

Can I register as a mentor and as a mentee?

Yes! You can register your interest as either a mentor or a mentee. You can then update this preference between cohorts if you would like to change your experience.

What if I am already registered as a mentor with the previous cohort?

You will receive an email asking if you would like to continue as a mentor in the next cohort. All you need to do is let us know you would like to continue as a mentor in the next cohort, either via the Mentorloop chat or by emailing [email protected]

How does the pairing process work?

Mentorloop uses a Smart Match algorithm which takes into account a unique set of matching criteria to provide you with us with the best possible set of equitable matches.
This is why it is essential to ensure that your profile reflects what you are looking for.

In-program FAQs

What do I do if I am successfully registered but haven’t been matched?

Yes, you can. You will need to contact the program coordinator and we will facilitate the change. This needs to be done within two weeks of the match being made.

How will issues be resolved if both parties are unable to come to an agreement?

The AIHS Mentoring Committee will assist with the resolution of any issues. Please read the Mentoring Conflict Resolution Process here.

What are the expectations and deliverables of both mentees and mentors?

The information will be delivered as part of the onboarding process, however, here are some key points:
  • It is a privilege to be involved in the program due to limited numbers and so it is expected that you will actively participate
  • There is an expectation that there will be an initial meeting between the mentor and mentee within two weeks of the match being made
  • If there has not been an initial meeting between the mentor and the mentee within two weeks of the match being made, please contact the program coordinator for assistance. If either party has not contacted the program coordinator, the loop will be dissolved, the inactive users will be removed from the current program and the space made available will be utilised to offer a match to other participants.

Are discussions between mentors and mentees confidential?

Yes absolutely. The Code of Ethics is available to read on the website.

When and how will mentoring sessions be held?

This is up to you! You may choose to meet during business hours or after hours. You can also decide if you want to meet face to face, by phone, virtually or in any combination of these that works for everyone in the loop.

Mentoring Program Strategy

The AIHS College of Fellows Mentoring Committee is continuously improving the AIHS Mentoring Program.
Members interested in the program's evolution can view the strategy document and/or reach out to [email protected] with further questions or comments.

Additional Resources